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Sanela Barcic - Certificate

Issued by FEI

FEI has been helping tens of thousands of individuals, companies, and organizations grow since its inception in 1888. FEI's philosophy is simple. They organize courses and training that provide immediate benefits in one's work. Employers receive direct returns as course participants perform better and contribute to the company's development. Indirect gains such as increased job satisfaction and a strengthened brand for companies investing in competence development should not be underestimated.

The range of courses and training is extensive and varied, catering to the entire organization from new employees to experienced managers.

FEI is also a pioneer in Hybrid learning. Since 2011, teacher-led lessons have been conducted digitally and in real-time through the self-developed training concept FEIFLEX. Course participants can attend lessons with maintained quality and under the same conditions regardless of their geographical location. This saves time and money for employees and companies. Both smart and sustainable!

Learn more about us:

Congratulations Sanela Barcic!

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